The Marek Edelman Dialogue Center in Łódź


Robert Guttman


Robert Guttmann (1880-1942), flamboyant painter and traveler from Prague, a Zionist. He died March 14, 1942 was shot by a guard when he approached the fence of the ghetto.

Ludwik Berwald


Ludwig Berwald (December 8, 1883 - April 20, 1942), born in Prague, mathematician, professor at the University of Prague, a respected specialist in the field of differential geometry. He died of exhaustion and starvation in the ghetto on April 20, 1942.

Jakob Edmund Speyer


Jakob Edmund Speyer (November 11, 1878 - May 5, 1942), professor of chemistry, discovered eukodal – morphine-derived analgesic preparation. He also greatly contributed to the research on the use of vitamins in nutrition. He died of exhaustion in the ghetto on May 5, 1942.

Wilhelm Caspari

Wilhelm Caspari (February 4, 1872 - January 21, 1944), Berlin-born physician and bacteriologist,
a world-renowned specialist in the field of cancer research. In the ghetto, where he was brought in the Frankfurt transport in October 1941, he worked at the hospital at Łagiewnicka St.; he also delivered lectures on nutritional problems in the ghetto. He died of pneumonia during the influenza epidemics, on January 21, 1944. He was buried in the Ghetto Field at the Jewish Cemetery.

Valerie Pollakowa and Gabriele Harmannowa - Franz Kafka's sisters


Franz Kafka's sisters: Valerie 'Valli' Pollakova (September 25, 1890 - 1942) and Gabriele 'Ella' Hermannova (September 22, 1889-1942) came to the Litzmannstadt Ghetto in the autumn of 1941
in separate transports from Prague. It is believed that during the so-called Allgemeine Gesperre in September 1942 they were transported to the extermination camp at Chełmno on the Ner. Professor Grzegorz Gazda, writes, the last trace of Kafka's sisters in Lodz is a note informing of their deportation.


Paul Kornfeld


Paul Kornfeld (December 11, 1889 - April 25, 1942), born in the Czech Republic, German-speaking writer and playwright of Jewish origin, author of expressionist dramas and essays in the field of theater theory. He died in the Litzmannstadt ghetto in 1942 and was buried at the Jewish Cemetery.

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