Page 11 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 11

1940      1944

            who rendered great service to Germany during

            WWI as a commander of the German army in the
            so-called battle of Lodz in 1914. On April 30,

            1940, the ghetto was closed and strictly isolated
            from the rest of the city. Initially, 160,000 Jews

            from  Lodz  were  incarcerated  there.  In  the
            autumn of 1941, the Nazis brought 20,000 peo-

            ple to the ghetto. They were Jews from Europe

            (including Vienna, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg,
            Luxembourg and Prague) and another 20,000

            from the liquidated ghettoes in nearby towns (in-
            cluding  Zduńska  Wola,  Sieradz,  Pabianice,

            Ozorków and Włocławek). Additionally, two other
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