Page 25 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Artur Szyk, Man of Dialogue.
P. 25

Album-ksi„¿ka_ASzyk_wANGIELSKA.qxd  2012-05-27  20:00  Page 25
                     In 1937, the artist went to London. There, he
                    worked on a book edition of the Seder tales for
                                                            inscription above: "semper fidelis" (always faithful)
                                                            with the coat of arms of Lviv.
                    the Passover evening, called the feast of freedom
                    by Jews, as it commemorates the liberation of
                    Jews from Egyptian captivity.           with the Ten Commandments and a Latin       2 25 BIOGRAPHY
                                                             Artur Szyk's self−portrait inscribed in the initial
                     The dedication to Poland and to the Jews of  which he is painting. The initial on the side with
                    Lviv did not appear in the edition of 1940,  but it  text in Yiddish is presented in the form of the
                    was preserved in the family archives.   Lion of Judah, with the letter shin on the shield –
                                                            first letter of the name of God, meaning Almighty.
                     "To Poland, my homeland, the eternal seat of
                    my ancestors, I offer this book of the liberation of  Artur Szyk was working on the illuminations for
                    my nation as a tribute of love and in honor of  the Hebrew text of the  Haggadah for two years.
                    distinguished Jews of Lviv, the initiators of my  Persecutors of the Jewish were marked by the artist
                    work, I give this book the title of the Lviv  with swastikas – thus, he equated the Egyptian
                    Haggadah. Artur Szyk, Polish illuminator."   enemies of Israel with the Nazis of his times.
                     The text in Yiddish also gives the place and year  Exclusive copies of the book were printed after
                    of creation, Łódź 1936. In the middle of the image  the outbreak of World War Two in England. It
                    the white eagle of the Polish Republic is featured  was ready for sale at the beginning of 1940.

                                                                    A page from the Haggadah dedicated
                                                                to "our brothers from Germany and Austria
                                                                   who are persecuted for their nationality
                                                                     and religion, and who gave their lives
                                                                  in the name of God." It was not included
                                                                     in the book edition published in 1940
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